What is evangelism?

A worldwide movement within Protestant Christianity which maintains the belief that the essence of the Gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Our Story


Use the lectionary as a helpful resource for learning about the upcoming lectures in the evangelical calendar.

Our Lectionary
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Year B 1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-4917:1a Now the Philistines gathered their armies for [...]

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Year B 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-271:1 After the death of Saul, when David had returned [...]


Year B Acts 2:1-212:1 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together [...]

Our Partners

Membership in “Evangelism Connections” is open to all who are interested and willing to commit to the common effort, as well as contribute some funding to accomplish the mutually agreed upon goals.